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Finding a ‘Garant’: How to Get a French Guarantor

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Securing a rental property in France is tough, especially when faced with the requirement for a French guarantor, known as a “garant.” Learn more about how we can help you get one.

The French Guarantor Dilemma

So, you found your dream apartment in Paris and the owner is asking for a complete renter’s file. The Parisian rental market is already oversaturated with prospective tenants, and competition is fierce– landlords typically seek tenants whose income is at least three times the rent. For instance, if your monthly rent is €1500, they’ll want to see a net income of at least €4500, verified through payslips or a permanent contract.

However, with rental laws leaning in favor of tenants, they’re usually more interested in having assurance that if you’re unable to pay, someone else will step in. For French natives, this is usually a parent or a relative. For expats without familial connections in France, they are usually left at a disadvantage in the rental application process.

So what’s an expat supposed to do? 

Our Guarantor Solution For Expats

We understand the challenges expats face when navigating the French rental market, which is why we’ve partnered with digital guarantors Garantme and SmartGarant to provide a reliable solution. With our assistance, securing your dream rental in France becomes much more attainable. Both companies are members of SNPRM which is a union dedicated to advancing France’s relocation industry and maintaining rigorous standards for its members. Both Garantme and SmartGarant function similarly – serving as a guarantee for your rent payments. 

These companies assume the role of your guarantor, and have the same legal standing as a traditional guarantor. However, unlike a physical guarantor, legal proceedings won’t absolve them of their payment obligations, which gives landlords even more assurance. Additionally, they help reduce the need for renters to hold a permanent contract, which is particularly beneficial if you are a newcomer to France, not intending to work, or are self-employed. 

Secure your dream home with us. Photo by Drazen Zigic.

Secure your dream home with us. Photo by Drazen Zigic.

Our partnerships with both Garantme and SmartGarant help us provide this invaluable service to you. Learn more about our trusted partnershas been in business since 2017, and has built a solid reputation among property owners in France. Currently servicing over 70,000 renters, your rental file is guaranteed in less than 24 hours. With no upfront fees, no payment is due until you find a property to rent. 

Our partnerships with both Garantme and SmartGarant help us provide this invaluable service to you. Learn more about our trusted partners:

Garantme has been in business since 2017, and has built a solid reputation among property owners in France. Currently servicing over 70,000 renters, your rental file is guaranteed in less than 24 hours. With no upfront fees, no payment is due until you find a property to rent. 

SmartGarant emerged from its founders’ personal experience, witnessing the challenges their overseas friend faced when seeking accommodation in Paris. Your rental file is checked in and  certified within just 2 hours. With no deductible and coverage of up to €100,000, you can provide your potential landlord with peace of mind when renting to you.

Our partnerships with Garantme and SmartGarant provide a solution by acting as guarantors.

Our partnerships with Garantme and SmartGarant provide a solution by acting as guarantors.

Having a guarantor not only reassures your potential home’s owner but also shows your reliability as a tenant. Securing an apartment in France is hard, with strict requirements and stiff competition, especially in a city like Paris where the demand for rental properties often exceeds the supply. However, our partnerships with reputable guarantors make the process much more manageable by elevating your rental file above the competition, increasing your chances of securing your dream property.

Further Reading

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The French Way is a relocation and expat support agency located in Paris helping expats to make the most out of their relocation to France at any stage of their life. Contact us today and we'll be happy to help!

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